Casper blockchain is the gamechanger for businesses and governments managing patents. See how CasperLabs helped IPwe pioneer a better way to protect, license and trade intellectual property.
Intellectual property (IP) can be a source of tremendous competitive advantage, yet it is often lost or stolen, because it is more difficult to track and manage than other assets on the company balance sheet. Our client, IPwe, envisioned a new infrastructure that represented patents as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), so that every patent could be verified, stored and sold/licensed via a public blockchain.
"Partnering with the expert talent at CasperLabs and building on Casper blockchain enabled IPwe to sign up more than 300 companies in less than 4 months. Casper provides us with the strongest and most sustainable solution to supercharge the evolution of the patent and intellectual property ecosystem." Erich Spangenberg, CEO IPwe
CasperLabs built an NFT-based chain of custody (CoC) solution for public patent records on the Casper public blockchain. Patents are created and securely stored as NFTs, so that they are traceable and tradable. Our ability to deliver real-time proof of ownership makes patent transactions simpler and more cost-efficient, and lays the foundation for a consortium of patent owners, patent offices and verifiers to grant, publish, own and transfer patents.
CasperPunks Prove Marketing ROI of NFTs. The first NFTs on the Casper blockchain unlock new levels of consumer engagement and utility.