Casper Association: Staking Update

The Casper Association’s mission is to support and expand the Casper ecosystem. To this end, the Casper Association has been staking and will continue staking the CSPR held on its balance sheet on an ongoing basis. The Casper Association’s goal is to manage its treasury transparently.

In line with this mission, in August and September this year, Casper Association will undelegate and re-delegate substantial amounts of tokens from its treasury to its broader validator set. Staking the CSPR across a large, random, and diverse set of validators in this way will assist in the growth of the Casper Ecosystem.

The Casper Association has established the following guidelines which the Casper Association aims to follow when staking the CSPR tokens in its treasury:

Validators are selected randomly from a long list meeting the criteria if ever possible

Target maximum commission rate (rake):  5%

In exceptional cases, Casper Association may delegate to Validators with commission rates of up to 10%

Typical range of staked CSPR on a validator: Minimum 1 000 000 CSPR; Maximum 100 000 000 CSPR

In exceptional cases, Casper Association may delegate to Validators with smaller or larger existing stakes

Validator uptime as measured on CSPR Live: Minimum 98%

The Casper Association is encouraging Validators to expose more information about their service on Github

Typical period of delegation is between 90 and 120 days

The Casper Association will use the above criteria to establish the long lists of Validators to delegate to.

It will constantly be monitoring the parameters of chosen validators and take actions in case of:

Going offline / below the 98% performance metrics

Changing the commission rate significantly after receiving a delegation from the Casper Association (significant increases in commission rate may result in no longer considering certain Validators for delegation of Casper Association held tokens).

The Casper Association will also try to select new validator nodes whenever possible, taking into consideration performance from the start of operation. In general, the current set of validator nodes will have fewer chances to be chosen for the next staking period.

A typical staking period will typically last between 90 to 120 days, and new rounds of delegations will be announced via blog and on social media.

Casper Association Team


Which tokens are staked by the Casper Association?  

Tokens in the treasury of the Casper Association.  These tokens are reserved for developer incentives, ecosystem and community development

How are validators chosen?  

Casper Association reviews the performance and the size of the stakes of nodes, and establishes a long list of Validator nodes eligible for staking. Validators are picked randomly, where possible

How long are tokens delegated by the Casper Association?  

Typical delegation period is between 90 and 120 days. In exceptional cases, periods may be shorter or longer.