Condor Integration Progress, Tooling & Documentation Updates | Casper Developer Community Call Recap, August 27, 2024

The Casper Developer Community call on August 27th featured key speakers Karol Marter, Blockchain Developer; Michael Steuer, CTO of MAKE; Dylan Ireland, Developer Advocate at Casper Association; and Maciej Zielinski, Founder of

This recap is intended for those who missed the call or re-visit the updates shared.

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Fondant Tool Updates

Dylan Ireland took the stage to provide an update on the Fondant tool, which was developed by one of the grant teams last year. He explained, "Fondant is a tool that packages CCTL into a local bundle, enabling you to run your own Casper network locally with a front-end interface instead of the command line."

Fondant has now been brought in-house for development and is being prepared for integration with Casper 2.0 (Condor). Dylan emphasized that the tool is fully open-source and available on GitHub.

You can learn more about Fondant in our blog post.

Condor Integration and Product Updates

Michael Steuer shared extensive updates on the ongoing Condor integration and related product developments. He began by highlighting that the development team is busy with Condor integration across the entire suite of products and developer tools.

He also noted that the SDKs have been updated to support Condor, and similar updates are underway for

Regarding, Michael announced, "We released version 1.25 last week, which includes new functionality like centralized account information and the upcoming He also mentioned the forthcoming release, version 1.26, which will include "holder information for fungible and non-fungible tokens, important for those with token-based projects."

Deprecation of Torus and Casper Signer

Michael reminded the community about the deprecation of Torus Wallet and Casper Signer, urging developers to migrate their applications and users to move their accounts to the Casper Wallet.

“We’ve added human-readable transaction information to the Casper Wallet, making it easier to understand what’s happening in a deployment,".

- Michael Steuer, CTO of MAKE

"Torus and Casper Signer will be removed from the ecosystem by the end of September. Developers need to transition to the Casper Wallet before September 30th, 2024."

He urged developers to update their applications accordingly, reminding them that post-September 30th, developers should stop including Signer and Torus in the available wallets.

You can find the detailed guides to migrate to Casper Wallet below:

How to Migrate from Signer
How to Migrate from Torus Integration and API Updates

Continuing with updates, Michael assured the community that they are actively working on Condor integration to ensure minimal disruption to existing applications.

He highlighted a new feature: "This week, we released a version of that enables APIs for off-chain resolution of," which is a domain name system expected to launch in early October. Michael noted that this allows for seamless resolution via, both on-chain and off-chain.

Casper Build and Analytics Tool

Michael then introduced the CSPR.Build version 1.0, which includes "detailed analytics now available to every Casper developer." He demonstrated how the new statistics tab allows developers to monitor various aspects of their applications, such as "total request counts, success rates, error rates, and real-time request logs."

This tool is accessible through the Casper Build console and aims to help developers ensure their applications are running smoothly.