Casper Twitter Space Recap February 14, 2023

Welcome to the recap of the first official Casper Twitter Space! As announced before, we made a slight adjustment in our community call format as we are now hosting developer-focused community calls on Discord and wider community calls on Twitter Space. This recap covers the first Casper Twitter Space which featured a lot of important updates and insights from the Casper ecosystem.

Don’t forget to check out our first-ever Developer Community Call recap and join the next call if you are interested in developer-related updates.

This recap is intended for those who missed or would like to revisit the call to provide them with the latest updates on Casper.

You can access the recordings of this space on our Twitter account.

We also recommend signing up for our biweekly newsletter to receive early updates and stay up to date.


The Fundamentals of Casper Network, Explained by Ralf Kubli

Casper Association Board Member Ralf Kubli did the honor of being the first speaker of Casper’s new Twitter Space. As this call is intended for the wider Casper community, Ralf briefly explained Casper’s core beliefs and expanded on the priorities of the network.

We aim to build new technologies that can be integrated into existing applications and can be used by large enterprises and businesses of all sizes to build new business models. Anyone who wants to use the permissionless environment we provide is welcome to participate.

We are committed to decentralization and have made it simple and cost-effective to run a node on our platform. This means that anyone can participate in our network and help ensure its security and stability. Casper is modular and upgradable and we aim to make it simple, which means that we are using existing and well-established programming languages for Casper blockchain to be accessible to the entire developer community, not just those who are already in the web3 space.

We are also exploring the integration of Zero Knowledge Proofs as we believe that they will be an intricate part of any blockchain network in the future.

Ralf explained the priority of Casper is to accelerate developer acquisition which will bring more on-chain activity. He concluded his speech by sharing his excitement for upcoming projects such as DEXes, bridges, and wallets.

Casper Makes Waves at Davos

Cliff Sarkin-Chief of Strategic Relations for Casper Labs has provided the listeners with highlights and key takeaways from the World Economic Forum held in Davos.

Davos, a small mountain town in Switzerland, undergoes a dramatic transformation for one week each year as it becomes a global hub that brings together industry leaders, government leaders, and decision-makers. The town becomes a bustling center of activity and collaboration as attendees network, share ideas, and collaborate on initiatives aimed at promoting positive change on a global scale.

We participated in WEF 2023 because we wanted to connect with those global leaders that can make a difference and showcase the potential of blockchain technology. This is why we created a “Blockchain Hub” instead of making it all about Casper as we wanted to create a blockchain epicenter.

Highlights from Davos

  • IPwe announced that they’ve deployed 25 million patents as NFTs on the Casper blockchain, which marks the largest deployment on any blockchain ever

  • Ralf Kubli and Nucleus Finance’s Dr. Willie Brammertz explored tokenization as a key strategy for increasing transparency and trust for the future of finance

  • Burrito Wallet, Fluidefi, DropLinked, TrustSwap, and GameSwift have each announced exciting new initiatives that will help to make the Casper Network even more accessible to people all around the world

  • Medha Parlikar- Casper Labs Co-Founder and CTO interviewed CZ from Binance. Watch the full interview here

  • DEVxDAO and XPRIZE announce a grant in excess of €3 million for Casper developers

  • Beast League announced a new game that will be launched later this year.

Numerous other important updates and announcements were shared at the event, all of which can be found by watching the full Blockchain Hub session.

Casper Wallet

Casper Wallet is currently in the closed-beta stage and the open beta will be available later in February for early adopters. Some projects are already working with our team to integrate Casper Wallet into their applications to take advantage of the wallet upon release. The wallet will be supported on all desktop browsers and the security audits are expected to be published in the next few days.

For more information on Casper Wallet and other initiatives on the horizon, we recommend watching MAKE CTO & Casper Labs Co-Founder Michael Steuer’s presentation at Blockchain Hub Davos 2023.

Updates from Casper Ecosystem

Alizee Carli, Director of Ecosystem has shared exciting updates on growth and activities. She also informed listeners that Casper will participate in more local events this year. Stay tuned for more updates regarding events.

Casper Accelerate Grant Program

Launched in November 2022 to encourage projects building on the Casper blockchain to make it easier to build and innovate on the network, Accelerate Grant Program has received over 175 applications so far.

Alizee invited more promising projects to apply for a grant at the Grant Program application page.


Beyond the upcoming Beast League, Alizee announced two projects working on bringing Unity JS SDK and Unreal JS SDK to Casper have received grants. These projects will help us make Casper even more suitable for Web 3 gaming.

Alizee also touched upon new gaming projects building on Casper:

  • Dappium- a no-code application that enables game developers to create tokens and NFTs.

  • GameSwift- a Web 3 gaming platform similar to Steam, provides Web 2 gamers with a gateway to Web 3 gaming.

  • Alaska Gold Rush- an open-world Web 3 game in collaboration with GameSwift. Alaska Gold Rush NFTs will take advantage of Casper’s CEP-78 NFT Standard and will be minted exclusively on the Casper blockchain.

Digital Collectibles on Casper

Steve Careaga-Director of Strategic Relationships for Casper Association has filled us in on CasperPunks and other NFT projects.


A little over a year ago we created 100 gen-zero CasperPunks NFTs to celebrate the 3rd birthday of Casper. As the year went on, we decided to do more with CasperPunks to showcase Casper NFTs’ capabilities. We kicked off a whitelist campaign for 10.000 generation 1  CasperPunks Digital Collectibles. Successful whitelist participants will be able to purchase gen 1 CasperPunk collectibles and upon the launch of the marketplace, gen 0 holders will be able to sell them if they are crazy enough as gen 0 CasperPunks will be ‘super-rare’. Then we will start a minting campaign where CasperPunks will be minted in accordance with CEP-78 NFT Standard.” said Steve.

Digital collectibles on Casper leverage Casper’s upgradability feature, allowing for adding utilities as new ideas arise and new partnerships form. As part of the roadmap, owners will be able to game, access CasperPunk partnerships, commercialize it and gain early access to exciting Casper ecosystem projects.

For more information about CasperPunks, the whitelist campaign and the new utilities, check out and don’t forget to join the whitelist if you haven’t already!

That’s all for the first Casper Twitter Space! Be sure to join the next call in March and don’t forget to join us in the developer community call on Discord if you fancy some technical discussions about Casper.