Let's Dive Into NFTs On Casper

Casper Blockchain is proud to bring over 140 (and counting) projects, exchanges, partners, and Web3 applications to you! By enabling a seamless blockchain integration for developers and entrepreneurs, the Casper ecosystem is rapidly growing and expanding into new realms. You can check out the newest and most exciting projects built atop Casper Blockchain for inspiration.

Among the new areas explored through Casper Blockchain, NFT projects have been user and developer favorites. Casper Blockchain not only allows developers, businesses and NFT artists to create and build, but also makes unique contributions for the NFT space as a whole to thrive redefining the very nature of NFTs, the Casper NFT Standard introduces a set of features that will go beyond the current understanding of non-fungible tokens.

What makes Casper Blockchain a good choice for NFT projects?

As NFT technology matures, the number of use cases increases exponentially with new requirements and unique challenges. NFT stands for “Non-fungible Token”, fungible meaning ‘mutually interchangeable’ in this regard. That means they are unique and upgradable at the same time as long as it exists in the proper context, meaning Casper Blockchain.

The Casper NFT standard, CEP-78 provides superior scalability, support, efficient tools, and wider documentation to manage, own, and trade unique tokens on the Casper Blockchain.

CEP-78 includes:

  • Easy to use hardcoded ‘off-the-shelf’ selection of modalities that allow for the installation of application-specific NFTs without needing to be programmed.
  • Improved mutability of on chain metadata, enabling NFTs to track changes to the state of its associated asset.
  • Author chosen upgrade patterns and weighted key management.
  • Tangibility modality for recording whether the NFT represents a physical, digital or “virtual” asset (i.e a trademark).
  • Native whitelist functionality, allowing NFT authors the ability to restrict the minting of NFTs to a preselected group of accounts.

There are multiple projects already utilizing NFTs on Casper Blockchain; Metacask, Dmusic and DGallery, Wise.Art, CasperPunks,Friendy.Market, House Of Rare, Kunft Marketplace, and enterprises including IPwe utilize our NFT Technology.

Casper’s NFT technology can be utilized by companies to identify, track and prove ownership of any physical item and link them back to the blockchain, a capability that is invaluable for tracking items through supply chains, protecting intellectual property and patents, authenticating precious valuables, and much more.

Casper supports the ability to upgrade NFTs, and acknowledges the necessity of updating NFTs without going through complicated smart contract changes and paying hefty gas fees. This allows creators to come up with fresh NFT ideas and actually implement them as they intend, as when it comes to NFTs, the future is unwritten and innovation beyond art utilization just begun.

How can businesses utilize upgradable NFTs?

Take Metacask for example, one of the most creative projects taking advantage of Casper’s mutability feature. MetaCask serves as a marketplace for spirits-backed NFTs. Users can collect and trade valuable whiskey bottles or casks, and request their tokenized assets to be delivered to them physically.

As a whiskey cask ages, the whiskey maker must periodically check on the state of the cask. Because Casper NFTs are mutable, the whiskey maker can update the metadata of the NFT with the state of the cask to keep the NFT owner informed on the condition of the spirit.

Mutability is an inspiring feature that will allow creators to unleash their creativity on Casper. Metacask is one of the prime examples of how this unique feature can be utilized, but the sky's the limit of how far NFT imagineers and entrepreneurs will be able to take it.

A fraud-free NFT environment

Exciting as it is, the NFT space has witnessed numerous frauds that involve swindlers and counterfeiters copying and selling NFTs without the original creator's consent. In fact, the issue is much more serious than one might think. One of the world’s largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea announced that they removed plagiarized NFTs from their marketplace.

To address trust weaknesses like this, Casper can use Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for verifiable minting that ensure safe storage, authentication, and verification of NFTs.

TEE provides proof that no third party was involved in the minting alongside a ‘seal of approval’ for NFT creators who have minted within the Trusted Execution Environment.

The authenticity of an NFT requires proof. TEE creates that proof by providing a secure environment for executing codes. This means that NFT creators who have minted within a TEE can provide absolute confirmation that they are the original owner, as they will be the only ones with the appropriate keys. These keys serve as proof that whoever holds them is the rightful minter. It won’t be possible to authenticate the creation of their work without the private key. Casper Blockchain secures genuine businesses, artists' and creators’ efforts by providing them with a minting environment that is specifically designed to protect their interests.

NFTs the broader use case across different sectors and industries

While art and music are important, NFTs promise much more functionality. We are talking about real-life applications, like enterprise use cases, the real estate industry, academic certifications, patent ownership, and so on. Upgradability and a safe environment to ensure provenance and trust  are key to realizing the full potential of NFTs. The Casper NFT Standard paves the way for NFT creators and businesses to take full advantage of this innovation.