How to Govern AI? Prove AI Nears Launch with the Solution

Since Casper Labs CEO Mrinal Manohar first announced Prove AI during his keynote speech at IBM’s flagship annual event, THINK, the AI governance solution has been the center of attention. With the official launch scheduled for September 2024, Prove AI is approaching its release, and partners are already integrating the solution into their operations.

Beyond how early adopters like Greyscale AI are leveraging it to enhance AI governance and compliance, it’s important to explore why the combination of blockchain and AI is particularly effective, especially as concerns over AI regulations and reliability continue to grow.

The Need for AI Governance

Unbounded AI presents challenges for organizations, including risks related to data privacy, misinformation, and the opacity of AI decision-making processes. Over the past year, these concerns have driven regulators to introduce stricter rules, prompting enterprises to prioritize risk management in their AI operations. As AI’s effectiveness heavily depends on the quality and integrity of its training data, mitigating risks associated with such data is crucial for effective AI governance.

IBM has chosen Casper Labs as an ecosystem partner for Prove AI, a solution built on the Casper blockchain. Prove AI integrates seamlessly with IBM® watsonx.governance™, providing businesses with a comprehensive tool to navigate emerging regulations like the EU AI Act.

During his keynote at IBM THINK, Mrinal Manohar highlighted this growing need: “As regulators begin to demand greater accountability from businesses working with AI, there’s a clear and urgent need for businesses to de-risk AI initiatives. Prove AI will be a key part of the emerging AI governance stack, ensuring that businesses across industries can embrace AI with confidence and clarity.”

Prove AI was developed specifically to address these challenges. By leveraging the Casper blockchain, it offers secure, tamper-proof audit logs, version control, and certification for AI models and datasets. Here are the advanced features of Prove AI that ensure AI operations remain transparent, secure, and compliant:

  1. Prove AI tracks every version of an AI model, allowing organizations to revert to previous models if needed. This ensures that every model iteration is documented and accessible.
  2. Prove AI provides detailed, immutable records of AI model usage, training datasets, and decision-making processes. These records are essential for compliance audits, enabling organizations to demonstrate that their AI systems operate within regulatory boundaries
  3. The solution supports controlled, multi-party access to AI data, creating a clear and tamper-proof log that can be reviewed by all stakeholders. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses that collaborate with multiple partners or need transparency in data sharing.
  4. With Prove AI, organizations can conduct thorough audits of their AI systems, tracking everything from data inputs to decision outputs. This helps businesses not only meet compliance standards but also improve internal governance.

The new Casper Labs CTO Greg Whalen did a Q&A titled “Balancing Innovation with Governance”, which provides an excellent overview of Prove AI’s current state and explores its potential.

Greyscale AI’s Use of Prove AI

Greyscale AI, a leader in smart logistics, has been one of the first to adopt Prove AI in their operations. The company recently piloted the first batch of AI training data, recording 20,000 lots to the Casper blockchain mainnet.  An additional 280,000 lots are expected to be deployed as part of the ongoing rollout.

Greyscale AI specializes in scanning and analyzing vast volumes of data to ensure the safety and quality of food products. In sectors like food logistics, even the smallest data discrepancy can lead to costly recalls and reputational damage.

Greyscale AI relies on Prove AI to maintain tamper-proof audit logs and ensure that their data processes are transparent and secure. In a high-volume, data-sensitive environment like this, the ability to present verifiable, tamper-proof records to both internal and external stakeholders is critical.

"Good governance is key to establishing and maintaining trust with our Greyscale AI’s customers. We are processing massive amounts of complex computer vision and AI detection data on an hourly basis, and we must be able to securely manage and account for these extensive records in a manner that clearly displays not only what happened and when, but also provides necessary assurances that the data has not been tampered with. Prove AI is enabling us to do just that, and we've been pleased by the results of our work with Casper Labs to date." Stephen Doyle, CEO of Greyscale AI said.

Greyscale AI plans to expand its use of Prove AI across additional segments of its operations, integrating it into more complex logistics environments.

The Future of Prove AI

While Greyscale AI’s use of Prove AI showcases its immediate impact on logistics and food safety, the solution’s potential extends far beyond these sectors. In any industry where data governance, auditability, and regulatory compliance are crucial, Prove AI offers a forward-thinking solution.

Finance, healthcare, and public services are already facing pressure to demonstrate that their AI systems are ethical, transparent, and secure. Prove AI’s blockchain-based approach provides these sectors with a trusted framework for managing AI governance without compromising on performance or innovation.

Prove AI is set to become a key component of the AI governance stack for enterprises worldwide. To learn more about Prove AI and its applications, visit the Casper Labs website.

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