Recapping the First Google Meet Developer Call | April 23rd, 2024

Welcome to the recap of the first Casper Association Developer Call on Google Meet! As announced last week, we transitioned our monthly developer-focused calls from Discord to Google Meet based on valuable feedback from our community. The result is a more in-depth and engaging virtual workshop, just like we envisioned.

With the Condor release (Casper 2.0) on the horizon, the call provided attendees with all the information they needed. Join us as we dive into updates from Medha Parlikar, CTO of CasperLabs; Mel Padden, Director of Developer Advocacy for Casper Association; and Michael Steuer, CEO of MAKE.

This recap is intended for those who missed the call or would like to revisit it and be provided with the latest updates on Casper.

We also recommend signing up for our biweekly newsletter to receive early updates and stay up to date.

ODRA Framework

Mel Padden introduced exciting updates to the ODRA framework, which is pivotal for deploying smart contracts on the Casper blockchain. Recently made enhancements to Odra, such as bug fixes and expanded documentation aim to simplify the development process.

The addition of smart contract metadata generation in the latest release is particularly noteworthy. This feature, long requested by the community, facilitates the creation of JSON schemas that describe smart contracts, enhancing tool development for better integration and functionality.

Check all updates in ODRA version 0.9.1 here.

Mel also said they didn’t foresee any blockers to the Odra launch at the Consensus 2024 event set to take place on May 29-31, in Austin, Texas.

Developer Tooling and Support

The call also covered significant enhancements to the developer tooling environment. The introduction of CCTL, an upgrade from the existing NCTL utility, is a leap forward in supporting developers by allowing them to spin up local Casper clusters more efficiently.

CCTL aims to streamline operations and improve ease of use, reducing the learning curve for new developers and increasing efficiency for experienced users. By addressing limitations in NCTL, CCTL can handle more complex scenarios and provide more robust support for network testing and management. As the Casper blockchain evolves, CCTL is designed to support future requirements and integrations more seamlessly, ensuring that the tool remains relevant and effective.

Mel also detailed the ongoing improvements across various SDKs to prepare for the upcoming Condor update. Each SDK, including Python, .NET, and TypeScript, is being refined to enhance performance and integration capabilities. Notably, the TypeScript SDK is undergoing a major rewrite to align with future requirements.

“I encourage you to go and check out the GitHub repository and take it for a test spin. You'll find it operates similarly to NCTL with some additional improvements,” said Mel.


A Casper testing framework, Fondant is very useful for developers who need a reliable and accessible means to test their smart contracts and applications under conditions that closely mimic a live Casper Network environment.

Mel emphasized that despite its beta status, the tool is functional and provides significant value in its current form.

Fondant features a beta version user interface, simplifying interaction with local clusters. Making it easier to manage testing scenarios and view the results of tests in a more understandable and actionable format.

Fondant is designed to work seamlessly with the existing Casper toolchain. This integration ensures that developers can use Fondant alongside other tools without the need for cumbersome adjustments or configurations.

The roadmap for Fondant includes numerous enhancements that will build on its current capabilities. These future updates are aimed at further reducing the friction developers experience when building on Casper, enhancing features based on user feedback, and expanding its functionality to support more complex development activities.

Fondant's development is highly responsive to community feedback. Mel encouraged developers to try out the tool and contribute suggestions for improvements.

Give Fondant a try here.


Mel introduced Terminus, a standardized testing framework designed to maintain high-quality standards across all SDKs, especially useful in preparation for the Condor release.

Terminus provides a set of standardized tests that developers can use to validate the functionality and performance of SDKs across different programming languages. By using Terminus, developers can ensure that their SDKs meet a baseline level of quality and behave as expected, reducing the risk of bugs and inconsistencies in production environments. It is designed to support rapid development cycles, allowing developers to make changes to SDKs while ensuring that these changes do not break existing functionality.

“Terminus is well-documented, and the team behind it offers support to developers needing help integrating the framework into their projects,” said Mel.

More information is available on GitHub.

Mel encouraged the community to participate through Telegram for real-time updates and support.

Casper Association Developer Advocate Dylan Ireland has an ongoing dApp Developer video series on YouTube where he provides a hands-on development walkthrough using Casper tools, make sure to check it out.

Medha Parlikar's In-Depth Update on Condor (Casper 2.0) Development

Medha provided a detailed overview of the upcoming developments in Condor. She outlined the advancements in the 2.0 node, noting the ability to run networks and conduct extensive engineering tests.

“A key change in Casper 2.0 is the separation of the RPC from the main node into an event sidecar process. This adjustment aims to enable more rapid iterations on the reporting aspects of the protocol without the need for full protocol updates,” she said.

The introduction of a new binary port that the sidecar will use promises backward compatibility and minimal adjustments for developers using the JavaScript SDK. Medha highlighted the strategic release of the updated JavaScript SDK to selected community developers to ensure a focused and effective feedback process, ensuring the transition to the new version is as smooth as possible.

Medha mentioned specific, actionable documentation will be shared to guide developers through the necessary changes required to adapt their applications for Casper 2.0, ensuring that all existing applications are compatible and perform well under the new system.

Future Features and Performance Enhancements

Looking ahead, Medha shared ambitious performance goals for Condor, notably the reduction of block times to 8 seconds.

“The network's responsiveness and throughput, facilitate more efficient transaction processing. These improvements are part of a larger vision to increase the computational capacity per block, enabling the network to handle more complex operations and transactions efficiently.”

Medha also discussed the ongoing analysis concerning the fee elimination model. This analysis aims to balance securing the protocol against potential attack vectors with optimizing user experience. The goal is to understand the implications of reducing or eliminating transaction fees, aiming to make blockchain usage more cost-effective and accessible without compromising security.

Finally, Medha reassured the community about the ongoing development and optimization post-Condor. The focus will shift to performance, particularly through the introduction of a new virtual machine designed to enhance processing speeds significantly. Continuous development and maintenance are seen as essential to keeping Casper cutting-edge and reliable, especially for enterprise adoption.

Updates from MAKE on Casper Product Suites

Michael Steuer from MAKE provided comprehensive updates on several Casper products, highlighting improvements and new functionalities designed to improve user experience for both retail users and developers.

CSPR live

The new interface allows users to easily convert accounts into multi-sig accounts and manage multi-sig transactions.

The reverse lookup functionality feature enables users to see which accounts they are authorized to sign on behalf of, enhancing transparency and user control.

Future updates will include push notifications for multi-sig transactions, alerting users to pending signature requests, which aims to streamline the transaction process.

Michael introduced, a new feature that offers CSPR cashback on purchases from various retailers. This platform allows users to earn up to 2.4% back in CSPR on their purchases, payable with any standard payment method, thus integrating Casper more deeply into everyday retail experiences.

Casper Wallet

New features include:

In-App Staking: Users can now manage staking directly within the app, eliminating the need for external tools.

Exportable Private Keys: Provides the ability to export specific account keys into private key files for use in other applications or for secure backup.

Torus Account Integration: Users can now import Torus private keys directly into Casper Wallet, facilitating a smoother transition for users from other wallet services.

Onramp Provider Integration: Enhanced user experience to help users select the best onramp provider based on their location and purchase amount.

Deep Linking: This new functionality allows seamless app interaction within mobile browsers, improving the user experience by allowing them to continue their app usage in Casper Wallet without friction.

Michael touched upon the upcoming launch of, which is expected to provide significant enhancements for developers and users. Details about this service are to be announced shortly, promising easier access and integration for all ecosystem developers.

This service now supports comprehensive REST API capabilities, allowing more targeted data queries and integrations.

Watch the Community Developer Call which is listed on our YouTube channel here.